Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!
I just read a post by fellow blogger Lara Blair at

Have you heard of  One word Resolution?  I think it is great!! Instead of saying something like " I will go to the gym every day in 2013" or " I will lose those last 10 pounds in 2013", it provides one word you want to use to provide yourself with insight into how you want to proceed into the new year. 

You are choosing a one word "theme" for the new year according to blogger Gretchen Rubin of the Huffington Post. 

I did not have to think too hard about what I wanted my "word" to be as it is a theme I have been thinking about and trying to figure out for the latter part of 2012.  It is "Purpose" with a capital P

Let me back-track a little here....!

I was an english and Journalism major in college.  never specifically went into the field as i figured i would not make any money and as a young single gal that was important! i wanted to travel and have a fun single life.  and i did! 

I was VERY fortunate to stay at home and raise my two sons who are now 20 and 22.  One just graduated from college and the other is a junior in college.  I feel blessed with my life and my family. 

I put off blogging because I thought, everyone has a blog! Well, truly there are lots of them but the good ones have a real niche and some loyal followers. 

I finally decided to start blogging because I love to write, I love photography and I love to take things that don't look so good and make them look so much better!  I have always enjoyed all these things so I guess this is my niche....or at least a start!  So here is part of the challenge for me.  What is my real purpose in writing my blog.  That is what I am still trying to figure out.  Does it need to be instructional?  Lots of the good blogs I enjoy are instructional.  Does it need to be entertaining? I hope mine is!  How do I gain more followers? What are people looking for? Or,  is that what it is about?  What am I looking for? What is my purpose?

I guess that is what it boils down to.  Having raised my children and now working two part time jobs, which aren't always as busy as I would like them to be, I need to determine where i want to go, what I want to be at this stage.  Is where I am at where I want to be? Those questions have been a challenge for me for some time.  I think some of it is the Yankee in me! I  always think I should be doing MORE! 

So, let me ponder this in the new year and see if i can come up with an answer, for myself. 


  1. Best of luck with your blog, Elaine! I remember thinking the same thing when I first started and eventually your style and interests work themselves into your blog. Have fun!

  2. Elaine, thanks so much for sharing your word. Purpose is so important. A sense of self purpose and a sense of a purpose driven life. I LOVE your blog and I think you're doing a great job. I agree with Pam. As you write you'll find what you want to write about or what you enjoy. So glad I've met you!

    1. Thank you Danielle. I really appreciate your encouragement and support! I love having a blog though at times the technical piece is trying! Glad to know you too!!
